
Tag: tributary

State Water Board To Protect Federal and State-Listed Anadromous Fish in Russian River Tributaries

Mon Sep 21st, On Environmental Law, by

The California State Water Resources Control Board has issued Informational Orders under the Russian River Tributaries Emergency Regulation for the Russian River tributaries. The Online Informational Order Form due dates are as follows: Dutch Bill Creek watershed on October 9, 2015, Green Valley Creek watershed on October 14, 2015, Mark West Creek watershed on October 15, 2015; Mill Creek watershed on October 18, 2015. The Dutch Bill Creek, Green Valley […]

13 States Block Clean Water Rule (WOTUS) Today – Remaining States Subject to Rule Tomorrow

Thu Aug 27th, On Environmental Law, by

Today, a North Dakota federal judge enjoined the implementation in 13 states of the Obama Administration’s new Clean Water Rule: “Definition of Waters of the United States” (also known as the Waters of the United States Rule, or WOTUS), which becomes effective tomorrow, August 28, 2015. The rule, proposed on June 29, 2015 in the Federal Register, redefines the Clean Water Act’s “navigable waters of the U.S.” to include “those […]

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