
Tag: California

13 States Block Clean Water Rule (WOTUS) Today – Remaining States Subject to Rule Tomorrow

Thu Aug 27th, On Environmental Law, by

Today, a North Dakota federal judge enjoined the implementation in 13 states of the Obama Administration’s new Clean Water Rule: “Definition of Waters of the United States” (also known as the Waters of the United States Rule, or WOTUS), which becomes effective tomorrow, August 28, 2015. The rule, proposed on June 29, 2015 in the Federal Register, redefines the Clean Water Act’s “navigable waters of the U.S.” to include “those […]

Criminal Intent — EPA Had Knowledge of Risk of Mine Blowout

Wed Aug 26th, On Environmental Law, by

The Environmental Protection Agency said today it had underestimated the amount of water built up in an abandoned Colorado mine, resulting in a catastrophic release of toxic substances into the Animas River. EPA admitted in a report released following its investigation of the incident on August 5, that it could have foreseen the rupture and release and yet it did not have measures in place in preparation for that inevitability. […]

Draft Basin Boundary Emergency Regulations Released by California’s Department of Water Resources – Public Comments Due September 4, 2015

Mon Aug 24th, On Environmental Law, by

The Department of Water Resources (DWR) will adopt emergency regulations implementing California’s new Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) by November 2015. Comments are due to DWR by September 4, 2015. The SGMA empowers local agencies to adopt groundwater management plans that meet the needs of their communities. The goal is to manage the state’s aquifers to survive drought and climate change to ensure a reliable water supply. As part of […]

Brown is the New Green the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance in California

Thu Jul 30th, On Environmental Law, by

Today, it was announced that water use in California fell by 27 percent in June. The State Water Resources Control Board shows 265 out of 411 local agencies hit or nearly reached savings targets while serving 27 million Californians. Governor Brown previously ordered an overall 25 percent reduction in urban water use compared to 2013 levels. His administration gave each community nine months to hit assigned conservation targets as high […]

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