
Monthly Archives: April 2018

Ninth Circuit Denies Writ of Mandamus to End #YouthVGov Climate Suit Against Federal Government; Case Set for Trial

Tue Apr 24th, On Environmental Law, by

In early March, the Ninth Circuit rejected a writ of mandamus from the U.S. government that would quash a case filed by 21 young environmental activists. Earlier this month, the U.S. District Court of Oregon scheduled the case to be tried in October of this year. The case, Juliana v. United States, case no. 6:15-cv-01517, involves allegations that the federal government violated both the plaintiffs’ and younger generations’ constitutional rights […]

Bick Law LLP Collects “Suits for a Cause”

Fri Apr 6th, On Firm News, by

The Bick Law LLP team worked together last month to donate gently used business clothing as part of the 8th annual “Suits or a Cause” clothing drive.  WHW, an Irvine-based nonprofit organization, hosts this yearly clothing drive as part of their mission to provide resources and skills to unemployed and underemployed job seekers. The “Suits for a Cause” drive is focused on providing business and casual clothing to help jobseekers tackle […]

Coffee Sold in California Must Carry a Proposition 65 Warning

Thu Apr 5th, On Environmental Law, by

The coffee industry sustained a significant loss in its ongoing battle over the provision of cancer warnings for coffee sold in California last week when the trial court in Council for Education and Research on Toxics (CERT) v. Starbucks Corporation (Starbucks), No. BC435759 (L.A. Super. Ct.,), issued its proposed Statement of Decision on Phase II of the case, finding that the coffee defendants had failed to establish their affirmative defense […]

EPA Removes a Section of the Pacific Coast Pipeline from Superfund National Priorities List

Mon Apr 2nd, On Environmental Law, by

Recently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency deleted a 55-acre portion of the Pacific Coast Pipeline from the Superfund National Priorities List (NPL). The EPA specifically removed the surface soil portion of the site; the groundwater portion, however, will remain on the National Priorities List to ensure that drinking water and agricultural wells are protected from harmful chemicals such as benzene and toluene. The Pacific Coast Pipeline site sits east of […]

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